Monday, 13 July 2015

Boxing gloves and Vodka

Last evening one of my friends had the great idea to bring a bottle of Vino to visit me. She was just the carrier of the Vino bottle since this world is full of technical people that have not yet invented Bible Juice bottles that walk alone from the shops in people’s fridge. As the weather in London has decided to finally be hot, by the time it got to my place White Vino got warm. And while I finished my paragraph I asked my friend to help Vino climb into the freezer for a couple of minutes.
I was so focused on the writing - and by that I mean my attempt to save my new draft that contained several thousand of words out of which the majority were epithets that I used to describe my writing abilities - I did not realize the amount of time that had passed since I send my friend to help Vino. As I call out for her, she walks into the lounge with the most confused look on her face. She asks me why do I currently have a pair of boxing gloves and two bottles of vodka in my freezer? It would make more sense if I would keep the boxing gloves next to the freezer and use them to cling to the vodka bottle so my hands stay toasty and warm. Now I have to admit, it was my turn to be confused.
First of all: Why did I not think of a second use for my boxing gloves? And I don't refer to their use to cling Vodka bottles but to use them when I need to grab things from the freezer.
Second: What do you people keep in your freezer? And by that I mean the type of people that are less crazy.
And last: Why is my friend so certain I have a Coloured Water addiction? I did not have a drink until last night.
In my defence, I did have a strong reason to enjoy my Vino last night. I did end up writing for nearly an entire day. First in my favourite coffee shop and later in the afternoon back at home.
I did reply to her that my boxing gloves are in my freezer so the bacteria die and the vodka is for anaesthesia purposes. You never know when you need to perform one of those complicated operations that you see in movies and you need to have alcohol. And since Vodka tastes better frozen, well it made sense. It isn't like I prepare my morning smoothie with Vodka instead of almond milk (it might have happened once, but in my defence it was late afternoon and a Saturday – not that was an excuse but I had no almond milk and I was too lazy to go out).
At least now my friends try to understand better my nature. And the look of surprise on their face is less evident when I discuss ideas for my novels with them. And now back to my book....

Nothing left to say....

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