I have to open this blog by letting you readers know that I
will be using this platform to record my journey towards being a published
author (or more accurate to record how I spend my time procrastinating and
dreaming about writing and having my first book published). Knowing me, this
blog will be filled with an impressive amount of reference towards alcohol, me
giving up smoking, spies, my amazing gym and friends, and my thinking shoes.
Just like Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock I have a special place to think in
about my stories. It involves wearing my thinking shoes, and a glass of
coloured water, somewhere in the mountains overlooking a precipice and maybe a
waterfall so I have the water sound in my mind next to those violins (fairly
dramatic thinking spot, but in my defence I am a writer).
And last night I did a lot of “thinking” with a bottle of
vino… Which lead to a lot less eloquent writing so after a few minutes (or
maybe hours as time passes strange in my thinking spot), I ended up watching
football again and swearing like a sailor. In my defence, most of it was
slurred and a definite mix between my native language and English so I guess I
was fine. But from now on, I shall act like a lady and stop swearing. My mother
will be pleased to learn of my decision. So I have decided to replace my entire
swearing arsenal with cake, cookies and chocolate names. I will be using an
impressive amount of Fudging Chocolate Mousse Cake and Belgian Chocolate Éclair
instead of ruder words that will not appear in this blog. Now, if I could do
that in my native language I would be sorted.
I have to add the fact that walking around in high heels
while trying to write a book, under the influence of fermented grape juice is
quite the experience. Think of one of those circus freak shows.
And today I appear to nurse a great headache and I worry
about developing an alcoholic hobby. And the problem is that I do not have
enough time for another hobby. Between my boxing, ballet, antigravity yoga,
yoga and reading, writing and the rest of the things that involve my life we
can all agree that I would not have the time to become an alcoholic. Besides I
am not certain how my liver will feel about that. My lungs just took a break
from smoking.
Maybe I should focus more on my book and less on the
drinking and the swearing. So yes, from now on my to-do list will have the
following points on it:
- Write 1500 words a day (Not the custom 50 out of which 30
are not so kind epithets describing my abilities to write).
- Apply to become a Spy
I hope to be able to explain soon my obsession with spies. I
don’t understand that one. So now I will have to let you guys go, as I have to
get ready to join my friend for a late afternoon/ early evening picnic in Hyde
Park. But I will leave you with a visual of my mischiefs from last night.

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